Manufuture, Platform on Future Manufacturing Technologies
The objectives of the Platform are several: retrieving competitiveness in manufacturing industries, leadership in manufacturing technologies, products and processes and getting to work with eco-efficient products.
ERTRAC, European Road Transport Research Advisory Council
It is an European Technology Platform that provides an strategic vision for raod transport development and brings together, with public and private investment, the opportunity to enhance the R&D process, making the global competitiveness of the transport industries grow as much as possible.
ERRAC, European Rail Research Advisory Council
Its objectives are defining and implementing steps to achieve a joint European R&D strategy and enhancing collaborative European rail research and innovation, among others more specific, such as promoting ERRAC activities and advising on future rail research needs to the European Comission for H2020.
Waterborne Technology Platform (Supported by ACMARE Advisory Council)
The Platform focuses its biggest efforts on updating regularly R&D requirements for improving European competitiveness and innovation. Waterborne is one of the Platforms in the EU where real possibilities for exchanges are investigated.
ETPIS, European Technology Platform on Industrial Safety
EPTIS is an ETP that focuses on industrial safety and makes cooperation and exchanges easier between industries. Its work affects different sectors: health and environment protection, NGO's, engineering and human sciences, transport, energy and more.
NEM: New European Media
NEM is aming at making converge consumer electronis, broadcasting and telecoms, so emerging business can be developed. Its support focuses mainly in the Internet of the Future, specifically its related research and innovation. In fact, Futere Media Internet is defined as the NEM major innovation area.
ENIAC (European Nanoelectronics Initiative Advisory Council)
The ENIAC Joint Undertaking (JU) is a public-private partnership focusing on nanoelecronics that brings together ENIAC Members/Asociated States, the European Comission and AENEAS (an asociation representing European R&D actors in this field).
ARTEMIS, European Tecnologic Platform
Association for actors in Embedded and Cyber-Physical Systems within Europe. As a private partner, the associations represents its memebers- industry, SME's, universities and research institutes.
Artemis Industry Associations continuously promotes the R&D interests of its members to the European Comission and the Public Authorities of the participating States.
NetWorld 2020
NetWorld 2020 is the European Technology Platform for communication networks and services. It gathers players of the communications networks sector: industry leaders, innovative SME's and leading academic institutions.
NESSI - Networked European Software & Services Initiative
NESSI provides input on research actions and technology matters. It gathers partners and members from all over Europe, engaging in dialogue with the European Comission- and other stakeholders- on different topics that are relevant for the Platform, such as Big Data or Software Engineering.
SusChem - European Technology Platform for Sustainable Chemistry
SusChem adresses challenges that concerns to the R&D chemical industry, as well as the biotechnology industries. It is perfectly coordinated with other ETP and industries that are willing to be connected to societal challenges.
Its mission is to inspire European chemical and biochemical innovation, so it's possible to face societal challenges by providing effective solutions.
ALICE European Technology Platform
The European Technology Platform ALICE is set-up to develop a comprehensive strategy for research, innovation and market deployment of logistics and supply chain management innovation in Europe.
ALICE will support and assist the implementation of the EU Program for Research: Horizon2020.